Protein in Chicken Breast

Chicken consumption has been steadily increasing in the United States over the past 50 years, surpassing beef in the early 1990s.

Protein in a Chicken Breast

This versatile protein is low in saturated fat and a better source of of high-quality protein than many other meats.

Protein in a Breast of Chicken

While there are number of ways you can prepare your chicken, grilling is one of the healthiest

Protein in 4 Ounces of Grilled Chicken

A 4-ounce serving of grilled chicken breast, which is a little bigger than the palm of your hand, has 35 grams of protein

Grilled Chicken: More Than Just Protein

In addition to being an excellent source of high-quality protein, grilled chicken breast is also low in calories and fat and 185 calories

Comparing the Protein

Beef has long been touted as the meat to eat when you’re trying to get more protein in your diet, so you might be surprised to learn that chicken breast is a slightly better source of protein than beef

Grilled Chicken and Weight Control

Whether it’s for better health or weight loss, you can’t go wrong with grilled chicken breast. Grilling allows you to cook the meat without the need for added fat or sauce

Protein in a Breast of Chicken

Whether it’s for better health or weight loss, you can’t go wrong with grilled chicken breast. Grilling allows you to cook the meat without the need for added fat or sauce, which helps keep calories,

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